What does the event cost? Nothing.  It is Free

I'd love that Free T-Shirt.  What do I have to do? Be one of the first 120 to register by June 23. Yup, just that easy.

What if I am registered but unable to attend the event? Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and let us know. If you do not pick up your t-shirt by the end of registration, we will offer it to participants in attendance at the event who are without a t-shirt. We want the T-shirts out in public!

Is there an age limit? No.  The event is open to anyone who can ride a bicycle.

Are the streets safe to ride a bicycle on?  The event takes advantage of Summerside's vast network of off-street, safe recreational trails.  As a parent or caregiver, come out with your child and see it for yourself.  Or, feel free to bicycle the route in advance and check out the route map for more information.

What if I don't own a bicycle?  We will find one for you to use during the day!  Just register early so we have enough time. Thanks to Cycling PEI and HopOn for providing bicycles for us!

Can I Ride a Scooter or E-Scooter?  Of course.  You can also come with roller blades or a skateboard or a wheelchair.  Epic Electric Scooters will also offer a free rental for the event. Simply register early to reserve your e-scooter, as we have limited qualities. 

What if I have mobility issues?  We have you covered. We have two Trishaws (thanks to Bike Friendly Communities) for the event.  We hope that funding comes in for SAFE Summerside so that would bring our total to 8.  However, register early and select the Trishaw option as we currently have 2 available.

What are the group riding rules? Here are the group riding rules:

  1. The Event has one Ride Leader and a Ride Sweeper.  Everyone else is in between those two adults.
  2. If you came with a team/group, stay with your team/group
  3. Stay in a single file line unless your leader says otherwise
  4. Stop before crossing streets and waiting for the volunteer/police officer to let you know you can cross
  5. No one is left behind

How will the riders line up when leaving each game station? The riders line up in rows behind and beside each other, with one row starting and then followed by the next row.  We don't want everyone trying to get started at the same time.

What if I have a fun game I want to share? Please take it with you. We love playing new games, and it will likely become a favourite.  Or maybe volunteer to lead a game yourself. So many options.

What if I can't ride a bicycle? Stop by the parks and play with us! You can visit www.safesummerside.ca/LearnToRide for information on how to ride a bicycle training sessions.

Coming with a Big Group? Please help us make this experience fun and easy to coordinate: 

  1. Big Group Registration Deadline (Aug 1) - this helps us know in advance our numbers
  2. Please let us know who the Group Leader is. We will keep them updated on who in their group have registered, and who they may need to encourage  to register before the deadline.
  3. Bring a list of those group members who are "in attendance" the morning of the event to speed up the check-in process.   This way, you just need to come to the Registration Table, not your entire group.
  4. Assign an adult to be the leader of the group (no one passes them) and an adult to be the sweep of the group (no one behind them) when riding
  5. Volunteer to lead one game at a Game Station. You know you always wanted to lead a game.  Now is the time!